We’ve talked about baby names… a lot. In fact, I did a quick search on Austin Moms Blog and we have at least 4 blogs that are devoted to names and I’m sure there are countless others where it’s mentioned. Here are the 4 I quickly found.





I’m now in the home stretch of my pregnancy with only 6 more weeks to go; that’s 5 full weekends, 42 days, or 1 ½ months depending on how you want to look at it. With that said, I am beginning to get inundated with the question, “Do you have a name picked out?” It’s a perfectly normal question, I get it; however, for some reason it’s driving me CRAZY; especially when it’s not asked in person. I’m weird, I’m fully aware.

Now if you are a friend of mine, you’re reading today’s blog, you don’t know our baby’s name yet, and you’ve asked the above question, don’t get your panties all in a wad… I promise, you’re not the only one to have asked.

What is it about people and dying to know the name of your baby?! It’s like nobody likes to be left in the dark. If you don’t know his name, I promise, it has ZERO bearing on our friendship or how I feel about you.

Yes, we have a first name for our new little dude (which I guess is the most important part), but we don’t have a middle name yet. I feel like until we have a full name I’m not ready to share any part of his name with the world. And yes, our close family and a few friends also know the name (as well as any random strangers I don’t really care about), but we’ve told just about every single person IN PERSON which seemed so much more personal. It’s not that the name of our child is a secret per say, I just don’t get all the hoopla in what Wesley and I chose for little man #2. I also think it’s our name to share so I get REALLY annoyed when I’ve discovered close friends and/or family have shared our child’s name with people we didn’t necessarily feel like sharing it with. I know… this pregnancy has made me a WITCH as my sister likes to remind me of daily. Is it silly to think it’s silly to make a Facebook post about my child’s name… as if my 500+ network really gives a flying toot?

When did you decide to tell the world your child’s name? Did you wait until he/she was born or post it one random day on Facebook? Has social media ruined any sense of privacy? Ok, I’ll answer that last one… YES!!!! Am I just a witch who needs to take a chill pill? Okay, don’t answer that last question.

Maybe I’ll change my mind in the next few weeks and share his name BEFORE he’s born, but for now, I can’t wait to introduce him to everyone (social media or not) once I’m able to lay my eyes on him! Okay, there’s my ONE pregnancy blog rant.

Baby Boy #2’s Quilt-Yes, I blacked out the monogramming intentionally…obviously.


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