Supposedly there are women whose bodies look exactly the same (or better) after having a baby. Let’s call them the unicorns of motherhood – I’m sure they are beautiful to behold, but I doubt they exist. {grin}

After 2 pregnancies where I gained 40+ pounds each time, delivering two larger babies (including my 9 pound ‘little’ girl), extended breastfeeding…let’s just say my body does NOT look like Gisele’s {not that it ever did, ha}. And it can be kind of hard to accept that living in image-obsessed America.

Hear me roar!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to accept (even if I don’t want to):

  • I will probably never wear a bikini again.
  • I will spend mega bucks on bras to put the girls back where they belong. Plastic surgery is not out of the question…haha.
  • Low-rise pants do not hide my belly roll. I now sort of understand mom jeans.

At the end of the day, though, I am proud of what my body has done. I do feel like I belong to the coolest club with the most amazing entry fee. I am passionate about pregnancy and birth. And when I read something like the below, it makes me tear up and feel so strong and powerful. My body is pretty darn amazing…even with tube sock boobs and saggy, baggy, stretched out skin!


Have you had trouble learning to love the mommy body you now have?


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