Planning a date night at home can honestly be so easy, so inexpensive, and so much fun! The key is to plan something different than the typical night at home or typical night on the weekends. Anyone can cook dinner and watch a movie on Netflix after, but coming up with something to help you connect as a couple is what really sets a date night at home apart from just an average night at home with your significant other. So here’s what my hubs and I did for our date night at home, which was awesome, inspiring, and involved NO television.

**DISCLAIMER** We are lucky in the fact that both of our kids go to bed around 7:30 pm so we waited for the first leg of our date night until after the kids were asleep. If you’re not so lucky then I recommend starting later once the kids are asleep and having a little appetizer to hold you over.

Everyone’s gotta eat, right? No matter how typical dinner is at home, we still have to eat. So yes, part of my date night at home included dinner! BUT, I planned something a bit more fun than crock pot or spaghetti.

Starting a Date Night at Home:

  • Becker Vineyards Reserve Red Wine- Normally I whip out the Bota Box {yes, I love box wine} and the hubs has beer. But not on this special night! We opened a REAL bottle of wine.
  • Steak- I got the hubs a ribeye and I had a filet.
  • Asparagus
  • Twice Baked Potatoes
  • My recommendation would be to have dessert. We RARELY have dessert for health purposes, but considering I told my husband we were having a fun at home date night, he was disappointed that we had no dessert. Or I guess you could be creative…be the dessert!

Our dinner was awesome; typical in the sense that we were eating {as usual} but less than typical, because there was actually effort in the evening.

Finishing Our Date Night:

In my 20s I was inspired by “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. For anyone who isn’t familiar with the book, it is all about the law of attraction and using vision boards {among other things} to conquer dreams and goals in your life. I’ve talked to my husband extensively about creating our own vision boards, but we’ve just never pulled the trigger. But since we were having a date night, I planned for us to make a vision board together!

  • You need old magazines- -Make sure you get magazines that have interests for both you and your significant other.
  • Glue sticks
  • Scissors
  • Picture frame- You can always grab an old one that you have laying around or run to Michael’s, Target, or Hobby Lobby. Make sure you get something bigger than an 8×10. You don’t want to run out of space!

We hung out around the table, left the wine out, and turned on some music and got to the magazine clipping. I want to reiterate to make sure you have magazines that have both of your interests in them. Evidently I should have had more hunting magazines. This is the most tedious part, because it forces you to think about things that you want to accomplish that are worthy enough to be on something like a vision board. Also, I will say that we had a few problems finding pictures for everything so as you can see in our completed vision board that we used a lot of letters to spell things out. I think it still worked though!

I loved our date night at home and I loved even more that we made such a big deal about it. I don’t think I could come up with a weekly activity, but I definitely plan on doing something like this on a monthly basis!

What do you do for at home date nights?

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