I was beginning to see negative patterns – I was exhausted every morning, I had a very strong need for lots of coffee and our daily meals were getting very very repetitive.

When my friend Laura (who has three children under four years old) started sharing about her new found energy, early morning trips to the gym, and a new excitement for life! I was intrigued.

Ali made some BIG changes to help her family get healthy!
Ali made some BIG changes to help her family get healthy!

Laura helped me take a closer look at our eating habits. As we talked I found myself describing my frustration with my son’s love for carbs and refusal to eat vegetables, my husband’s need for pancakes, and our freezer full of ice cream. I described my desire for a healthy, happy family. Laura shared a few laughs with me and agreed that she had felt the same way before making some major changes. So, through her coaching and support I took some BIG steps to get my family’s health back.

Laura helped our family get started on a nutritional detox that literally changed our lives in just two weeks! We learned so much about our poor habits, how processed food and sugar was negatively affecting us, and the extent of our overeating. Below is how we prepared, what we did, and the permanent changes we made.

Austin Moms Blog, Healthy Living, Cleanse

Oh, and did I mention that I lost 10 pounds in 13 days!!!!

Husband's Lunch

5 Ways We Prepared

1. Did Some Research

We knew from the beginning that we wanted this change to be a permanent lifestyle so I found online resources, support groups, and friends who were making similar change.

2. Purged the House

We had a lot of food that needed to go!  We didn’t waste anything but we spent a few weeks before the detox using up those surgery, fat filled items.

3. Made Little Changes

I knew we couldn’t go form 0 to 100 on the first day of the rebalancing program so I started making small changes a few weeks ahead of time.  I cut down on coffee, stopped making dessert every night, drank more water, added in exercise, and tired to eliminate carbs after 4pm.

4. Created Eating Schedule

I had to plan every meal and snack in order to stay on track so I created a schedule for the week.

5. Prayed and Communicated

My husband and I spent time in prayer, talked with each other about our fears, and shard with friends about our new adventure.  We knew we would need accountability and support so we started having conversations weeks before we started.


5 Steps to the Detox

1. Meal Replacement Shakes

The best step we made was simple’ lunch was a yummy chocolate shake!  That’s it.  The shakes we used are gluten, soy, GMO, and stimulant free with no added sugars or preservatives.

2.  Water – Water – Water

3. Snacks are under 200 calories

We had to make better decisions about snacks.  One of my support groups came with a list of 40 snacks under 200 calories.  We always had snacks on hand so we were not tempted to make poor decisions.

4. Limit Caffeine

This was the hardest part of the challenge but we did it!  WE found sparkling water to give us a treat at dinner and put fruit in our water to find some flavor.

5. Low Glycemic dinner

We learned to pic the right foods and portions for a blanched meal at night. WE focused on limiting sodium and gluten.  What is gluten?!?!  We purchased gluten-free bread, I made quinoa instead of pasta, and we had brown rice instead of garlic bread. This is was a fun way for me to change our repetitive menu!


5 Lessons Learned

1. My eating habits directly affect my family

hen I made major changes my family followed. I do the shopping and the cooking so naturally, my family eats what I eat!

2. I eat when I’m bored or tired

With the structured plan of the detox, I was able to recognize when my body was hungry or if I was just eating out of habit. It truly helped me meet my body’s needs and create a healthy relationship with food.

3. New is FUN

My husband and I enjoyed taking this journey together and switching up our unhealthy routine. We now want to be more active and pass on these new tips to ! !
our friends, family and especially our son. It feels really good to be healthy together!

4. I deserve a treat!

It’s okay to treat yourselves every once in awhile, but I realized the difference between enjoying a special treat and addiction. I can now fully enjoy a dessert and eat much less because my palette has changed and too much sugar just does not feel good in my body. I also balance my treats with healthy meals! If I have a cupcake during the day, I have a lower carb and higher protein dinner.

5. I don’t drink enough water

I learned that when I am thirsty I usually make a cup of coffee. I also discovered that sometimes when I feel hungry all I really needed was a big glass of water.


One Month Later

1. We have kept up our low gluten, no sugar, lots of veggies, and a few special treats diet!

2. We have found some new gluten-sugar free recipes that we LOVE and have become what we crave.

3. I have kept off the 10 pounds I lost!!!

4. I added coffee back into my daily routine but find that I don’t crave it like I used to.

5. We have enjoyed some late night bowls ice cream but have noticed that wake up the next day with a headache. Ice cream is no longer worth it!

Want more information on the system we used? Email my girlfriend Laura at [email protected].


7 Reasons to cleanse

1. Strengthen Immune System

2. Provide vital organ support

3. Curb unhealthy cravings and support healthy brain chemistry

4. Slow the effects of aging

5. Lose weight and feel great

6. Reinforce liver function

7. Restore antioxidants

How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?




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