
If you’ve had a baby chances are you at least thought about the idea of pumping milk, right? Well I thought about it in great detail, but decided against getting a pump until I absolutely needed it. I guess I was thinking, “well what if I have NO milk?” I was wrong… the day I came home from the hospital {48 hours after giving birth} my milk was in and holy cow {no pun intended} I was in major need of relief that the baby just couldn’t provide.

I quickly went to Buy Buy Baby and purchased the Medela Swing breast pump on a total whim! I didn’t use any other brand of breast pump so I have no comparison, but I love love love this pump! Not only was it super tiny and easy to conceal in my diaper bag, but I could make it pump as gentle or aggressive as I needed. In the beginning while trying to get use to the thing, I need super gentle mode. But by the time I got into the “swing” of things, I was ready to go full throttle into aggressive mode!

My Medela Swing held up through pumping 2 children and I know has tons more life in it! I know there are tons of pumping options on the market, but I highly recommend Medela!

:: Which pump did you use? ::


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