I’m Coming Clean: My Google Search History


Since acquiring the highly coveted title of “mom,” I have to say I’ve been incredibly impressed by the number of friends that are moms that have stepped up to offer support and advice. Even joining a Facebook group for moms has been beneficial in terms of normalizing my questions and feelings as I enter in mommy hood.

However, the honest to God truth is that there are just some things I’m too embarrassed to ask. When that happens, I turn to my friend who knows all of my secrets, always has an answer and never judges me. That friend is Google.

A part of me is SOOO embarrassed about the words I actually type into Google. I often think, “if only people REALLY knew what I type into that search bar.” So as any good blogger should, I’ve decided to be vulnerable.

So without further adieu, I give you the embarrassing-ugly-weird-downright-concerning questions I’ve Googled as I’ve entered motherhood.

The week before my due date: 

Pimples on butt – sign of labor?

Braxton Hicks vs. Real Contractions

Braxton Hicks lead to labor?

Braxton Hicks for several days

Braxton Hicks must be real labor

How do you know when your water breaks?

Massage points on foot to induce labor

Massage points on back to induce labor

Unique ways to induce labor

How do I know I’m in labor?

How much do I have to walk to induce labor?

When do most women give birth?

Greasy hair – sign of labor?

Crying – sign of labor?

The first few weeks after giving birth:

What happens when your milk comes in?

Milk not coming in

Newborn growth chart

Small baby

Baby losing weight

Scared to poop after birth

How to poop after giving birth

Can I take a laxative while breastfeeding?

Black poop after laxative

How to use a breast pump

Video: How to use a breast pump

Video: How to manually express milk

Breast pump no milk coming out

What to do with breast milk after pumping

Top 10 things to know about breastfeeding

Nursing inducing sleep

How much alcohol can I drink when breastfeeding

How long should a baby nurse

Baby nursing every hour

What is cluster feeding

Left breast hurts breastfeeding

Breast infection

Clogged duct

Baby sleep in rock ‘n play

Best diet plan after baby

Sports bra and nursing

2 week old cluster feeding

Best time to pump

The 5 s’s

Postpartum belly wrap – does it actually help?

When can you do abs after giving birth?

Exercise after pregnancy

How to use a baby wrap

Halloween costumes for newborns

Breast hard – how to treat engorgement

Breast real hard

Newborn pukes up breast milk

When and how to burp  a newborn

Should I keep my newborn swaddled during nighttime feeds

What is dream feeding?

Overfeeding newborn

How to get your baby to nap

Signs of hip dysplaysia

Recurrent clogged duct

Red boob, fever, aches


How to treat Mastitis

Chances are, as ignorant as I may feel about Googling some of these basic “mom” things, you’ve Googled them too. Hopefully reading this made you laugh and realize that we are all constantly learning as we journey through motherhood.

Please enjoy other Googled questions by some AMB contributors:

What is the crusty buildup behind my toddlers ear?

Penis Obsession + 3 year old

Excess foreskin after circumcision

If you feel like being vulnerable too, comment below with your most recent Googled mommy question!











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