
I could write up a list all of the research I have done or have come across about why learning another language is so beneficial to children. I could state statistics and present graphs and charts highlighting this if I really wanted to (and had the time and energy to). But I don’t and so I won’t. Not here. Here I will share with you why being bilingual has been beneficial to me and why I know it will be beneficial to my little ones. This is our story. 

I was born in Mexico and moved to the states when I was eight. (Yes, I am a citizen now.) We grew up with parents that believed that holding on to the Spanish language, our culture and our history was deeply important. It would allow us to remain connected to our roots as well as our relatives in Mexico. Plus, it would help us be able to communicate with more people around the world. It would also increase our chances of finding a good career as it was obvious to my parents (even back then) that knowing another language would provide us with greater opportunities in the future. 

I love that I now get to share all of the things I love with my little ones as well. 

Here are some benefits that I have seen first hand in being bilingual and raising a bilingual family:

Communicate with extended family.

My family is very close, even if the distances get in the way. We have always tried to spend the holidays together and keep in touch as much as we can. Being able to sit down and have a conversation with aunts, uncles, cousins and friends in Spanish has made this closeness remain. I want my kids to be able to do this also. How wonderful it will be for them to sit and hear stories of the past that can only be told by the people who lived them. I am pretty lucky to come from a family of great storytellers. They love to share and we love to listen. 

Meet new people.

My husband is always amazed when we are somewhere, anywhere, and suddenly I start a conversation in Spanish with a stranger. I can’t explain how we instinctually know that we speak Spanish, but we do and it is awesome. The world opens up a little more when you are able to have a full conversation with someone new. I want my kids to feel comfortable enough to do so as well. I picture them being able to go up to anyone and make them feel welcomed. My dream is to bridge the divide so we can all share our thoughts and feelings in peace. 

Learn new cultures.

Every culture has its own beauty and we should try to help our children see it. My kids are able to learn about American culture as well as Latin American cultures with me. Kids are pretty smart, as you know. I noticed with mine that once they realize that not everyone speaks just one language, their curiosity about the world opened up a little bit more. You may not be able to teach them every language out there (although how cool would that be?) but you can teach them about cultures and traditions. Libraries have great resources to help you learn along with your child. There are also a plethora of websites to do this with.  My favorite is Multicultural Kid Blogs that shares stories, educational materials, crafts and so much more from parents and teachers around the world.

Be more accepting.

Once your child learns about other cultures and languages, they become less afraid of the differences and more open to new friendships. I love the idea that raising children with love will create more love for all. One can only hope that this will help their future become more peaceful than what it is looking right now. 

Have a specific set of skills.

I’m sure you have encountered at some point in your working life the question in an interview about whether or not you speak or are fluent in another language. This is a skill that has become more and more important throughout my life especially in our technological age. Now you can work with anyone, anywhere at any time. It has gotten me jobs that I know I wouldn’t have gotten had it not been for my Spanish. I am grateful for that. I want my kids to have the same advantage in life. 

Have a secret language with each other.

This one is just for fun. Growing up, my sisters and I would bust out in Spanish if we had to say something we didn’t necessarily want others to hear. If we knew we were the only Spanish speakers there, it was a pretty cool party trick. At home, when we didn’t want our mom to know what we were talking about, we would say in in English. It drove her crazy and we got in trouble for it, but it was our secret and it was awesome. Granted, my kids may have to go learn Mandarin so they can do the same with me, but hey, I’m not at all against that. The more languages the better!

I can’t imagine what life would be like if we had let go of Spanish in order to become fully immersed in English. I would have missed out in so many opportunities and friendships. So many stories, laughs and cries. So much love from family that I know I only have the privilege of connecting with because of Spanish. Being bilingual is full of benefits with pretty much no down side. Whatever language you choose, I suggest you start them early. Kids are pretty cool little learners. There are many programs out there to help you get started. Good luck in your bilingual or even multilingual journey. Buena Suerte y Adios, amigos! 

If you want to learn more about being bilingual, here are some pretty cool articles for your viewing pleasure. 

Benefits of Being Bilingual

Advantages of Bilingual Education 

Why Raise Bilingual 

Bilinguals Have An Improved Attentional Control, Study Suggests

Being Bilingual Good for Brain Mental Health

Combining Two Traditions: Halloween and Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). ❤️



Malu Talan
Hola! I am Malu. I am a UT graduated bilingual mama raising two energetic boys who love with ALL of their heart. They are my greatest teachers and they make me try to be a better person even when I am not ready. I have been married to the love of my life since 2006 and can’t wait for FOREVER more. He is my rock, my sanity and makes me feel beautiful even in my worst days. I run the Family Events Calendar for AMB and have been part of this amazing team since 2014. I love how AMB lets mamas from all over Austin share their vision, their humor, their frustrations and whatever other stories they like to tell in this platform. It is a much needed safe space for mamas navigating this wild ride we are on. When I am not being mama or finding family events, my side hustles include searching for fun ways to help my boys love languages, writing silly picture books, running my own Rodan and Fields biz, helping out at their school when I can and getting my kids excited about it all!!


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