What Austin Mommies Are Saying!

Austin Moms Blog,

Hey there. I just wanted to let you know that I am really enjoying reading the Austin mom’s blog. Kids are in the future for us for sure and I am learning a lot!!! (loved the one about big dogs and babies) Anyway – I hope you are doing well and keep up the good work.


October 10, 2011


Hey! I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE reading your blog!!! I don’t have kids yet, or anytime soon but it makes me laugh, cry, be enlightened and excited all at the same time! Thanks for being so open and honest and letting us into ya’lls life. Hope you have a great day!




On a totally unrelated note, I read your Mom blog on developmental delays, etc., and I want you to know how much it helped me. We’ve been worried about Preston for some time and until your blog I was almost afraid to find out. We had some assessments done yesterday and at this time no signs of autism but a possible hearing issue and speech delay. I feel so much better knowing what I’m dealing with and I credit YOU with giving me the courage to do so.

On another totally unrelated note, you are an amazing Mom and I love to learn about your perspectives on you blog. I absolutely believe yours is one of the best ones out there.

