It’s not always an easy ride…
I’m writing this on the heels of a VERY challenging week for me.  A week I have been dreading for the past 3 months.  Last Sunday I left Madden for the first time…ever!  It was the first time I have spent the night away from him and it wasn’t just for one night, it was for five long nights! Five!!!
Every February I have training for work that takes me out of town for a full work week.  This year would be exceptionally difficult for me as I would be away from my baby, my husband whom I always have separation anxiety when I leave, and on top of that I would need to navigate the buffet line and find the time and energy to go to the hotel gym in order to stay on track with my competition training!
So let’s talk about traveling while trying to maintain a clean nutrition plan and exercising.  I’ll be the first to admit it is not easy, takes incredible discipline, planning and willpower out the wazoo!! However, it can be done!  Was I perfect? Nope!  Do I have regrets? Sure! But that’s what I am here for- to share them with you and hopefully make your next trip a little less intimidating!
After two or three days hotel food all seems to look and taste the same.  I am pretty sure I eat more sodium in one meal as I typically do in a day, or week!  However, the key is to zero in on the cleanest options you have.  It’s important for me to start my day off right.  So I always pack individual portions of oatmeal that I can easily make with hot tea water- this goes for anytime your on the road or in the airport!  I have protein powder I can also add if eggs are not an option.  For lunch and dinner,  always look for a green and a protein.  I could pretty much count on a salad or a green vegetable in line.  I tried to skip or be weary of veggies that were laden in butter in favor for a nice spinach salad.  Chicken over beef and always picked the protein option that looked the cleanest with the least amount of sauce on it.
Remember our pumpkin pancake recipe?  Well I packed ten of them!  I knew snack time would be a weak point for me and I absolutely love them so I had no issue saying no to the cookies on display!  I simply asked for a fridge to be brought to my room upon check in and had snacks on hand all week!  I also brought protein bars for emergencies or to ward off a sweet tooth!  So where did I fall short and where can you learn from me?  By my last day I really missed home and threw the towel in.  Stress got the best of me and it was all or nothing.  I chose all.  So wine, Mac and cheese, rolls….they were all mine for the taking and I took!  I woke up the next day bloated with a headache and a food baby in my belly to remind me of the previous nights choices.  Yuck! Next time, maybe I’ll just go for the wine 🙂 I will say that when you travel there is nothing wrong with rewarding your willpower on the final night with a small treat. Small!
Exercise while traveling is never a matter of time for me but more about resources.  I have been to some hotels where we are lucky to have a single working treadmill!  Fortunately for me, this Omni was well equipped with a variety of cardio machines, dumb bells and weight machines.  I find that if I get my workout done first thing in the morning my day is just generally better!  For this trip specifically I knew I would be sitting down in training all day so blood flow and a calorie burn was required upon waking!  I woke up around 5am and headed straight for the gym! Here is a sample workout that you can do anywhere on the road!
  • 20-30 minute warm up, I run/walk.
  • 3 sets of 20 squats either body weight or holding dumb bells alternate with jumping lunges
  • 3 sets of walking lunges for 30 total steps alternate with 20 squat jumps
  • Standing bicep curls alternate with tricep dips off of a bench
  • Push ups to failure alternate with abdominals
  • Finish with cardio if I have time!


There wasn’t a single day on the road I didn’t get to the gym and I felt so much better returning home because of it!

Moral of the story is life happens.  You should be able to enjoy traveling and vacations without fear of them derailing your nutrition and training program. Once you implement a clean lifestyle you will learn to make better choices so you don’t return feeling like its the day after Thanksgiving!As far as my progress goes, I am very happy with my improvements!  I have added some lean muscle and am slowing chipping away body fat.  My lower half, the stubborn half of me, is getting tighter and I can’t wait to see what the next 8 weeks will bring!  In my next blog you will read about a few life events that have come my way and rocked my world.  Without unfailing focus, the support of my family and accountability of the AMB readers…I may have used it as an excuse to back out!  No excuses!  Stay tuned…
Brenda’s Bangin’ Bod 8 weeks out
“Girl look at that body 
I work out
Girl look at that body
I work out”
Recipe…Kid Friendly 
Mini Turkey Muffins
1 package 99% Fat Free Ground Turkey Breast
1 Cup Spinach, Chopped (I use kitchen scisors to cut up)
1/2 cup mushrooms, diced
Seasoning to taste
Pre Heat oven to 350
Mix all ingrediants and place in Muffin Tin sprayed with PAM
Bake for 18-20minutes.  I bake for 18 minutes and then final 3 minutes place under broiler.  Oven times will vary, test one to ensure cooked through.
*You can pretty much throw any veggie in these puppies!  Kiddos will love dipped in Organic ketchup.
*I sometimes add a little low calorie marinade or BRAGGs Aminos to mine


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