Okay let’s get real here and cross our fingers that our children never see this post…Disclaimer: I have strong negative feelings towards our Elf on the Shelf.

He’s been with our family for…I don’t know, five or six years?  Too long.  But we’re ALL IN.  After that second Christmas when he returned, it was too late to turn back.  He’s here for good…or at least until our youngest figures things out.  This year, “Elfie” came a bit early….which I’m both kicking myself for and trying to rationalize how I’ll survive it just fine, as we’ll be gone an entire week this month and we’re not telling Elfie where we’re going (insert evil laugh)…so really his stay will only amount to a few weeks, right?

With these years of Elf experience, I’ve learned a thing or two about having an Elf on the Shelf in our home for the holidays…so whether your family is about to take the Elf plunge, or you’re like us and are too invested to turn back, OR you may be anti-Elf…I’m sure you can relate to several of these lessons.  Take note:

elf image


1.  Never underestimate your children’s abilities at handwriting analysis and recognition.  I tried my very best to write Elfie’s “arrival letter” in a no-way-looks-like-my-own handwriting (and thought I did pretty darn good), but sure enough…one of my daughter’s came up to me last night and said, “Elfie’s handwriting looks a lot like yours Mommy.”  My hands got all sweaty as I tried to look as nonchalant as possible replying, “Oh really?  That’s weird. ”  And promptly changed the subject, making a mental note to both burn the evidence and to type out subsequent North Pole correspondence.

Elf Tip >>> Free Elf on the Shelf Printable Notes

2.  It’s okay to be a slacker.  This time of year filled with such joy and happiness, but us moms still tend to over-work, over-extend, and obsess over doing everything just right to make the best holidays possible for our kids.  When it comes to Elf on the Shelf, it’s okay to slack a bit.  There is so much out there with crazy Elf ideas and stunts that inadvertently put on the pressure for us to “keep up”…however, my advice is to just shake it off.  We give you permission to be a slacker Elf on the Shelf mom.  Hey, at least you’re trying.

Elf Tip >>> Cute (and funny) daily tips for Elf on the Shelf Slackers

3.  Have back-up for your nightly “Operation Move Elf”.  I’m telling you…there are few things more creepy than attempting to stealthily move a freaky looking, inanimate Elf in the dark while simultaneously being on high alert for any sign of kids stirring, sounds, or even your dog’s shadow.  Have some one (a husband usually works just fine) be the lookout for you so that you can complete your mission and keep your sanity in check.

Elf Tip >>> Here’s some cute No Fuss Elf on the Shelf Ideas for when you need a creative idea with minimal effort.

4.  Utilize your Elf to emphasize the real meaning of Christmas.  Sometimes I question how much we play up Santa, Elves, etc. with our kids even though we make an extra effort to teach our kids the true meaning of the holiday and that we celebrate it as Christians, not because we want presents based on being naughty or nice.  It can be a fine line…especially with younger ones who’s faith might still be delicate, yet they so quickly buy into the commercialization of it all.  I know some families who don’t do Santa at all, but to me, the magic of Christmas is so special and memorable that I want my children to have these memories and traditions….and in certain ways, I believe it’s possible to for the magic of Santa/Elves and the celebration of Christ’s birth to coexist.

Elf tip >>> A wonderful letter and scripture resources to do Elf on the Shelf Jesus Style.

5.  Remember why you have an Elf on the Shelf.  This point goes a little contrary to no. 2 above, but when we make the choice to have an Elf on the Shelf during this time of year (no matter how much we may loathe it later), we do it for our children’s happiness and memories.  Being a mom of 4 littles, I now can look back and see how much my own mom did to make Christmas special for us.  Yes, it’s a pain to move that damn Elf every single night for a month….and yes, it might lose its novelty some…but remember why you started this tradition.  Because you love your children.  So suck it up, Pinterest the heck outta those Elf ideas (if that’s your thing), stay committed to the magic, and don’t forget to notice the light in your children’s eyes when they see their Elf arrive that very first morning or when they sweetly say goodbye to him on Christmas Eve…and definitely don’t miss all the magic in between.

Elf Tip >>> All the BEST Elf on the Shelf Ideas.

:: So tell us… Do you “Elf in the Shelf” it in your household? 


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