I Have Become My Mother!

You guys. I have done something I said I would never do: I have become my mother! I’m sure this is a vow many of us have made throughout our lives. Especially during those teenager years when we can’t wait to be adults. The truth is, I can’t help myself—it’s in my DNA. My mom was a true-blue helicopter parent before there was even a term for it. I spent most of my childhood afraid of things because of how my mom reacted to new and unfamiliar situations. You see, my mother suffers from anxiety, and it’s often hard for her to control it. 

My own anxiety reared its ugly head shortly after I had my son. In those first few months, I just could not relax! I was afraid he was going to die in his sleep.

Afraid he wasn’t developing properly. Afraid he was going to get sunburnt, bit by ants, have a terrible allergic reaction to a new food. The list goes on and on.

Over time, it has gotten easier. Why, just today my 2-year-old decided it would be fun to stick his head in a dirty stagnant puddle at the park. My mother would have been horrified, but I just laughed! What else can you do? In these first two years of being a mom, I am trying to find balance between my helicopter instincts and the free-range mom I know I will never be.

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Despite my Terminator parenting style, I received many great attributes from my mom as well. My mother is one of the most loving and patient parents you will ever meet. She’s extremely nurturing and caring. Even today, I can call her any time, day or night, and she will pick up the phone. When my son is sick or upset, I slide quickly into the role that my mom once held for me.

These loving behaviors that come so naturally are what truly make us moms.

And so, in that sense, I’m proud to be like my mom- a selfless, caring, parent that my son can count on to be there, no matter what.



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