So, it’s been two weeks since I started my “kickin’ my PBBD to the curb” journey. This entails working out three days a week at CrossFit Round Rock with Aggie and following Adrien’s Bye Bye Belly nutrition plan.

For those of you who didn’t have the opportunity to read my last blog, I started this journey weighing 151 lbs and with 30% body fat. Double yikes.  I think most people will agree that working out is the “easy” part.  It’s not physically easy, but you can knock it out in an hour and you’ve done your deed for the day.  Eating right, however, is a 24 hour commitment and it’s tough.

Bye Bye Belly is a proven nutrition plan that uses a lot of the Paleo and Gluten Free principles.  In plain terms, if a caveman could eat it, so can I.  If you still don’t get it, think meats, veggies and fruit.

Initially I thought I would cheat by day 3 because carbs are my favorite food group, but now that I’m two weeks in and I haven’t given in to any temptations, I have to admit that I’m not missing my carbs.

One thing I noticed immediately was how differently I felt after each meal.  Not disgustingly full and bloated, just content.  It’s such a good feeling and I feel so healthy.  I probably haven’t chiseled too much off those start numbers, but how healthy I feel is a great trade.

Don’t get me wrong, every time I give my daughter some pretzels I think “One won’t kill me” but then I remember that’s what got me here.  A little indulgence here and a little there all adds up and 20 lbs later…here you are with a muffin top.

I’m loving my new healthy lifestyle so much that during the week when I’m lunching with co-workers, I immediately tell them how much they’re missing out on by not doing the same thing and I feel sorry for them (on the inside) for the crap their feeding themselves…baked potatoes with butter, cheese, sour cream, bacon, etc. etc…do you know how many push ups I’d have to do to cancel that out?  Too many to make it worth it.

One of the greatest challenges has been merging my new lifestyle with my work life and mommy life.  I attend A LOT of work functions and with those functions comes fried amazingness and obviously I cannot have that now.  I’ve started to be that high maintenance guest that special requests a plate that is specific to my diet.  I know it may look snotty, but I don’t care.  At the end of the day, I’ll be the one with a healthy heart.  Same thing at home, a healthy mommy means a healthy family.  Gone are the days of Kraft Mac and Cheese for dinner, we’ve been dining on baked salmon, chicken soup, grilled chicken, etc. and it’s all been delish.

Anyway, in summary, I’ve loved every minute of this journey and hope that you feel encouraged to start your own.  It’s NOT EASY but the pay off is worth it and I’m thrilled to report my single chin is making it’s way back to my face. Holla!!




    • That’s awesome! I can’t reveal how many pounds I’m down just yet but it’s AWESOME. I really feel good. Yesterday was the first day I almost cheated. I wanted chocolateI and felt like it was following me everywhere but I didn’t give in and guess what? I’m still alive! Yep! It didn’t kill me not to have a piece of chocolate. It’s tough but I’m looking forward to seeing the fruits of my labor!

  1. Omg! What a cute blog! I still don’t feel guilty for having the Tio Chon Enchiladas at Maudie’s earlier this week though 🙂 You were a trooper! And the look the waiter gave you said it all when you cut everything but the lettuce and meat lol! Thank you for lunch, love!


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