
image1If you give a kid a mini cart, she’ll probably jump for joy.image2While she’s jumping, her sister will knock over some bell peppers.image3While you pick up the bell peppers, she’ll lay on her cart and spin it.image4After she spins it, she’ll push it and let it go to see how far it goes.image1If it doesn’t hit a fellow shopper, it will land near the cereal.    

When she sees all the cereal, she’ll ask for the yummy kind.

When you remind her you only need the oatmeal, she’ll grab two.image4If you step away from the oatmeal, she’ll see the samples.

When she sees the samples, she’ll remember how hungry she is.

After she grabs a meatball and cider, she’ll ask you to hold it so she can steer her cart.image1After she finally eats her sample, she’ll remember she has to use the bathroom.

When she sees the decor in the bathroom, she’ll change her mind.

When she realizes she’s still near the samples, she’ll ask for another.image3

If you tell her no, she’ll start looking for the hidden stuffed animal.

image2When she finds him, she’ll point and yell that she gets a lollypop.

After she quiets down, she’ll steer her cart dangerously close to a display of wine.image1If she survives the near catastrophe, she’ll spot the sparkling water.

When she sees the smaller bottle, she’ll say it looks like a baby.image1

When she thinks about a baby, she’ll remember her little sister.

image5After she’s done playing with her sister, she’ll race to get in line.

When she screeches to a halt, it will be inches from the man in flip flops.image2

If she glances to her right, some extra treats will somehow end up in her cart.

image3When you finally check out and exit the store, she’ll spot the pumpkins.

And when she sees the pumpkins, chances are, she’ll want a mini cart to put it in.image6


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