Growing up everyone had that kid in their neighborhood who was… (gasp) an only child. As a not normal band/newspaper nerd myself, I was definitely not in a place to judge. But … come on… it was weird to not have brothers and sisters right? Who did he play with? How would he learn to share? Was he lonely? ALSO — why in the world did I decide to play the clarinet? There are still so many unanswered questions.

Fast forward to today, as the mother of ONE 3-year-old, my perspective on that only child has broadened. I now suspect my companion-less neighbor was the son of a wise woman who didn’t give a crap that she had doomed her child to a “weird” adolescence.  

As someone who is “one and done,” I believe my personal pros of only having one kid outweigh my daughter’s cons of being sans-siblings. Does that make me selfish? I guess so? According to the internet, choosing to only have one kid firmly lands me in the bad mom column. Other bloggers defensively proclaim that “they’re NOT selfish” for choosing to stop after just one.

My darling daughter- who wouldn’t want 5 of these things?

I, on the other hand, signed up for motherhood, not martyrdom. I’m not apologizing for my oh-so- selfish reasons to never be pregnant again. And I got them:

Selfish Reason #1- Pregnancy and newborns are the worst

I HATED being pregnant AND the “fourth trimester.” Were you one of those women didn’t look pregnant from behind? Yeah — I hate you. I gained 80 pounds in the first 15 seconds of pregnancy leaving me with chronic knee pain and back pain.

My hormones soared to such bizarre and unhealthy levels that I’m still medicating three years later. Hello, sweating in an air-conditioned office in February.

Luckily, after my darling daughter was born I definitely obeyed that whole- “nap when she napped” thing…

HAHA JUST KIDDING! If she napped my crippling post-partum anxiety told me to use that time to google things.  <Me Typing> “Hey Google, what are the chances of my newborn being eaten by a stingray on dry land?

Also, stretch marks. I got them. I don’t want more of them.

Selfish Reason #2- MONEY MONEY MONEY

Preschool costs more than two car payments each month. One night with the babysitter costs as much as a week of groceries. The people who watch my most precious commodity deserve every penny (and then some!) and I recognize we could cut back enough to afford another child.

But I don’t want to.

I know it is selfish, but I would rather be able to save up for a trip overseas than double my daycare costs. Being able to see the world has always been a priority for me. And now I want to pass the global experience down to my daughter. I’m convinced it would take winning the lottery to fly a family of four to Thailand.

Selfish Reason #3 My hair is really, really dirty

I’m so tired. Always. Balancing work and being a mom is like juggling live octopuses. When I’m at work – I give 105%. And the second I pick up my daughter I give her 110% of my attention. I’m no math whiz but I did some calculations. Giving 215% of yourself is, in fact, exhausting. So by the time my husband gets home from work I have .006% energy left to give. It takes about 4% of my energy to take a shower… making it mathematically impossible to wash my hair. Or talk to my husband. Or get off the couch.  OR WRITE THIS BLOG.

Now multiply all those percentages by 1 or 2 more kids and… well- I don’t actually remember how to multiple whole numbers with percentages so I can’t possibly have another child.   

One and done.

The truth is, I DO have dreams of my daughter playing with her little sister Cora or Everly. They would grow up and be best friends. They would live next door to each other and have their babies at the same time. When I got older they would take care of me and we would all live happily ever after forever and ever. But isn’t that dream selfish too?

Having a sibling doesn’t guarantee growing up with a built-in best friend. It certainly doesn’t promise her a lonely free life, or that she won’t be spoiled. And despite my selfishness — you have to admit having kids to ensure there’s someone around when you’re old and grey isn’t fair.

Ultimately, I hope my daughter learns how to stand up for what she wants and proudly makes her own choices – despite what society, the internet or even the band dork down the street thinks of her. And that starts with me being strong enough to stand up for what I want now.


  1. You’re not alone nor selfish for thinking this way – and yes, someone has to stand up for you, and that should be you.

    From another “one and done” mama

  2. Love this article. As an adult only child you make several valid points just because you have a sibling doesn’t guarantee a best friend. I too have the traveler wanderlust in me and growing up an only child made me very independent and I don’t mind and I am seeing the world on my own.

    Every one makes the best decisions for them and best for their family.
    Thank you for your insight.

  3. Ahh! If I wasn’t so tired I would stand up and applaud you! I actually belong to an online “support” group for people who have decided to only have one kid. Yes, it really does exist. lol.. It’s interesting how in our culture see an only child is seen as negative. I agree with many of the reasons you expressed as to why you don’t want to have another. Sometimes I’m sad about it but I really feel like my husband and I need to do what’s best for us as a family.

  4. Ha! I love this so much! Especially the part about your hormones being so out of whack that you’re sweating for no apparent reason all day, everyday. That’s 110% me! If you’ve figured that part out, please let me know 🙂 I keep the thermostats firmly at 72 and have zero shame in that!! For me I’m not sure what the IVF gods were thinking when after 3 years of trying and several failed attempts at pregnancy suddenly I was prego with not one child, but two… BOYS!! I feel super fortunate don’t get me wrong, and love Caiden and Bennett with every fiber of my being, but after one back breaking pregnancy where I found myself one last IV antibiotic away from dying of a c-section “superbug” and I’m proudly “two and through” fo sho! I’m so tired I can eat 10 chocolate covered espresso beans then take a nap. My last date night out (5 months ago) I fell asleep during a concert! I’ve mopped enough urine off the floors and been vomited on enough for two lifetimes… I’m good! Check in the box- time for another dream and that’s collecting sand from beaches all over the world and displaying them as proudly as my friends with 2+ kids display their multiple offspring! I chose sunshine and sanity!!


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